my first and last...
...going to HoSHAS
[Hosp Temerloh,,, ape ntah name full die hehe~]
e'eh... bukan first la cik amal! dulu before register dekat uia kuantan, kan ke tido dekat kuaters dekat hoshas tu... umah akak ape eh? ntah. tak ngat... sepupu abah. abah mama je kenal hehe~
orait2. back to the story...
selasa lepas pegi hoshas,,, sebab memang turn GROUP B pegi minggu lepas... hehe
sem 1 dulu GROUP B tak sempat pegi sebab patut nye on rotation ktOrg pegi yang last attachment,,, tapi last attachment tuh cancel huhu~ tapi macam suka kot tak pegi sebab ape ntah time tuh... puasa eh? ke ape ntah haha~ short term memory defect...! =pp
tapi minggu lepas pOn agak hectic gak...
yela, selasa pegi temerlOh,,, rabu interbiu SPA T_T so,,, haha tak prepare langsung untuk clerk case!! dekat tangan asik pegang nOte untuk interbiu jek... xde dah ipOd ke, drug infO ke... hushus
bawak mims, bawak cpg,,, tapi sume tetinggal dalam beg. haha time nak simpan beg dalam loker just ingat nak amik nOte interbiu huhu deng!
dalam otak just ade NKRA, KPI, superbug, issue2 negara arab, pilihanraya, menteri2, bla bla and bla haha [at the end,,, none of these yang di tanya!! heh! (-_-'')]
lagi satu,,, time g hoshas nih sibuk mikir hal rehlah haha so saya pOn jadi kurang pasti saya pegi sana wat keje ke tak haha~
my first and last...
...going to HoSHAS
[Hosp Temerloh,,, ape ntah name full die hehe~]
e'eh... bukan first la cik amal! dulu before register dekat uia kuantan, kan ke tido dekat kuaters dekat hoshas tu... umah akak ape eh? ntah. tak ngat... sepupu abah. abah mama je kenal hehe~
orait2. back to the story...
selasa lepas pegi hoshas,,, sebab memang turn GROUP B pegi minggu lepas... hehe
sem 1 dulu GROUP B tak sempat pegi sebab patut nye on rotation ktOrg pegi yang last attachment,,, tapi last attachment tuh cancel huhu~ tapi macam suka kot tak pegi sebab ape ntah time tuh... puasa eh? ke ape ntah haha~ short term memory defect...! =pp
tapi minggu lepas pOn agak hectic gak...
yela, selasa pegi temerlOh,,, rabu interbiu SPA T_T so,,, haha tak prepare langsung untuk clerk case!! dekat tangan asik pegang nOte untuk interbiu jek... xde dah ipOd ke, drug infO ke... hushus
bawak mims, bawak cpg,,, tapi sume tetinggal dalam beg. haha time nak simpan beg dalam loker just ingat nak amik nOte interbiu huhu deng!
dalam otak just ade NKRA, KPI, superbug, issue2 negara arab, pilihanraya, menteri2, bla bla and bla haha [at the end,,, none of these yang di tanya!! heh! (-_-'')]
lagi satu,,, time g hoshas nih sibuk mikir hal rehlah haha so saya pOn jadi kurang pasti saya pegi sana wat keje ke tak haha~
haaa! the main purpose of this post adalah untuk letak gamba nih haha~
jie... qayyum...
I could write for hours,
Use the finest words in Webster's
Fill pages upon pages with verse,,,
Only two words are needed,
Two words are everything I want to say,,,
Thank You... (",)
haha~ wei! sorry eh kalo saya terEMO ke, terMARAH ke haha~
sorry and thank you!
lepas ni tatau ade lagi ke tak attachment...
jie... qayyum...
I could write for hours,
Use the finest words in Webster's
Fill pages upon pages with verse,,,
Only two words are needed,
Two words are everything I want to say,,,
Thank You... (",)
haha~ wei! sorry eh kalo saya terEMO ke, terMARAH ke haha~
sorry and thank you!
lepas ni tatau ade lagi ke tak attachment...
ni dekat paediatric ward... ward melOr kalo tak silap...
i wish to gO to ward Dahlia huhu~ the mOst memOrable attachment...! \(^^)///
my FB status on Thursday,,, "a case of 2 months old baby with a febrile seizure, to rule out inborn error metabolism and meningitis"...
a very simple case,,, tapi... huhu
since ni first time clerk paed punya case... nak nanges rase huhu~
nak cari creatinine clearance pOn dah pancit...
heart rate, blood pressure sume pelik hahaha~
sume bende kene rujuk paed punya guidelines hoho~
time present, tengok pmacist tu pegang buku shank [betOil ka eja camni?] untuk paediatrics dose,,, dah rase nyesal tak beli buku tuh dengan matmin dulu haha~
adeh3. papepOn repOrt dah selamat anta... nervOus nak tunggu present nih...
Phenobarb! Phenytoin!,,, really hate u!!! (~_~')
bes r korg dpt case susah camni.at least blaja r gak amal. sem ni aku br clerk 2 kes je. 1st attachment cuti, 2nd kes hypo (SENANG), 3rd schizo (GILA SENANG GAK). 4th ni kat uia kot and then HOSHAS utk last attachment ntah ade ke x. X puas clerk sem ni.
hehe betol3... mase CP dl kite x pnah dpt paed kan? huhu~ untung junior ktorg... serius xtau cne nak kire CrCl, tau dok gune cockroff tu jek haha~
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