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To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting...!!~

Saturday, October 2, 2010

selamat pengantin baru...!~ [Part 2]


haaa... post kali ni baru betol2 ade gamba kwen... hahihuuu~

cik nurul amalina and PUAN mardhiyyah...~ \(^^)/
baju ni beli memang tuk g kenuri ko mar... =p
hoho~ tym ni memang sedeh sangat2.... T_T
suwit jek ko wat smiley dkt tgn tu wei... huhu~
...u are smiling...
...he also smile...
hope the smile will remain forever...~
amin, amin pon nak smiley dkt tapak tgn gak ek?? huhu
[nape amin tgk tapak tgn time nih?? hoho~]

once again,,, Selamat Pengantin Baru myfren...!~
tahniah and all the best... (^^)v
u look different and of course,,, cantik!!! huhu ^^


mar said...

thanx a lot amal!! len gle kn muke aku..aku sndiri tkejot pas mekap 2..mcm tgk org len kt cermin..tp xkn nk kesat kot..hahahaha

nuruLamaL said...

^^ xpe la,,, sekali seumur idup!! hihi