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To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting...!!~

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

sEmester 8...~


PHM 4213: Clinical Pharmacy III ---> dulu bro Chad cc CP3, skang sape ek? hmm...
PHM 4222: Pharmaceutical Care ---> subject ni eh yg ade HMR tu?
PHM 4232: Administration & Management in Pharmacy ---> em2. best ke? subject ni penting, tp nnt kite tgk dulu isi die berguna ke x? hehe~
PHM 4243: Pharmacotherapeutic II ---> haip! i like u very the muchi...!~
PHM 4252: Ethics & Law in Pharmacy ---> err. T_T haha~ kalo tengok dalam prospectus, subject ni utk prepare kite utk forensic exam nnt... lets see, membantu ke tak... huhu~

12 credit hours...
sem paling sikit credit...
selama ni asik 18 and above...

Programme Requirements:
  1. Kuliyyah Required Courses: 119 credits
  2. Elective Courses: 14 credits
  3. University Required Courses: 20 credits
all together, 153 credits... wah! hahahaha~ banyak nye...! =p

Elective Subjects yang saya dah amik:
  1. PHM 2192: Nuclear Pharmacy
  2. PHM 2282: Nutriceuticals & Cosmeticeuticals
  3. PHM 3172: Biotechnology & Biopharmaceuticals
  4. PHM 3021: Research Project - Literature Search ---> elective paling best+relax! haha
  5. PHM 3292: Drug Abuse ---> elective yang tak nyesal amik haha~
  6. PHM 4182: OTC Drugs (Over The Counter)
  7. PHM 4192: Clinical Nutrition
emm... tapi,
what i am afraid for??
sumthing... tapi tatau ape T_T
what's wrong nurul amalina?

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